Have you ever experienced an "AH HA" moment? You've been trying and trying, suddenly everything comes together and what you have been attempting to do finally happens ....perfectly? It is the most surprising and wonderful moment but there is only one problem....you don't know how to repeat it !
Enter ServeMaster, your secret weapon to feeling that "AH HA" moment quickly and easily. ServeMaster takes you through what the serve motion feels like with the correct grip. Once you "get it" you can repeat your skills until you own your serve!
Endorsed by the french federation and many tennis academies.
Last time this product was added to a cart: 2019-01-15
In sport, FEEL is the most powerful tool for learning. Efficiency of movement and relaxation skills are key to making any athletic movement work. The tennis serve is a complex series of movements that makes relaxation seem impossible! Serving is often misunderstood and poorly executed so we need to keep it really simple. ServeMaster makes it as easy as 1,2,3,4.
Everything with ServeMaster is done WITHOUT a ball. All you have to do is: hold the correct grip and get ServeMaster moving on a fluid path. Feeling the correct shape of the serve swing and letting your body move in natural ways is the KEY! Once you feel it you will be able to start transferring the information to a racket and hitting serves like never before.
ServeMaster can be used for ground strokes, overheads, movement drills, dynamic warm-up, stretching and strengthening, too!
Successfully achieve the following things with ServeMaster :
- Continental grip
-Overall coordination for continuous and sequential movement on the serve
-An abbreviated or classic motion
-Timing of a pinpoint or platform tennis
-A real flat, slice, kick and topspin serve
-Consistency and placement
-Optimum point of contact for all serve types
-Toss arm movement, tempo and consistency
-Dynamic warm-up
-Stretching and strengthening
-Non-dominant side development